Wednesday 26 July 2017


Unnat Sarson Farming: 

Local Names of Mustard in India:- Rai, Kali sarson (Hindi), Rai (Gujarati),Sasave Rayada (Kannada), Assue,Sorisa (Kashmiri), Avalu (Telugu), Kadugo (Tamil), Kaduku(Malayalam), Rai, Banarasi rai, Kali sarson (Punjabi).Laha (Haryana)

Climatic requirements for  Unnat Mustard Farming:- Mustard is grown in subtropical climate. Mustard thrives well in dry and cool climate, therefore mustard mostly grown as Rabi season crop. Mustard crop requires the temperatures between 10°C to 25°C.Mustard crop is grown in the areas receiving 625 -1000 mm yearly rainfall. This crop does not tolerate frost, so it requires clear sky with frost free conditions.

Soil Requirements for Unnat Mustard Farming:- Mustard can be grown in wide varieties of soils that ranges from light to heavy loamy soils. Medium to deep soils with good drainage is best suitable for mustard cultivation. Soil ideal pH range for Mustard is 6.0 to 7.5.Make sure to carry out a soil test to find out the soil properties like soil type, strength and nutritious levels.

Land Preparation For Unnat Mustard Farming:-First of all one or Two ploughings or two harrowing must be given as part of field preparation.For second crop cultivation, field must be prepared by giving Two crosswise harrow after khariff crop harvesting.

Seed Treatment For Unnat Mustard Farming:- Mustard Seeds treated with thiram or carbendazim to protect the mustard plants from many  seed diseases.

Mustard Sowing methods For Unnat Farming:- Mustard Seed sown in September or October months. If mustard crop as pure one, it should be sown by drilling method.For better germination, seeds should be sown maximum of 6 cm depth in the soil. Make sure there is enough moisture present in the soil when seeds are sown.In pure mustard crop seed rate could be about 4 to 6 kg per hectare.

Spacing in Unnat Mustard Farming:- Spacing of mustard plants should be about 45 cm x 20 cm.
Manures and Fertilization in Unnat Mustard Farming:-  8 to 12 tons of Farm Yard Manure (F.Y.M) per hectare should be added as part of the field preparation.18 to 25 kg P2O5 and 25 to 30 kg N  per hectare should be applied in rain fed condition at the time of sowing. 35 to 45 kg N, 25 to 35 kg P2O5 and 15 to 25 kg K2O per hectare should be applied below the seed at sowing time of irrigated crop. After 1 month of sowing, 15 to 25 kg N per hectare should be applied as top dressing.
Irrigation in Unnat Mustard Farming:- Pre-soaking irrigations should be given before sowing the seeds. 4 irrigations should be applied @ 4 weeks interval after sowing the seeds.

Weed control in Unnat Mustard Farming:-  3 weeding  &  2 hoeing should be given @ 2 weeks interval. Thinning should be done after 2 weeks time interval ( in case of pure mustard crop).

Mustard Harvesting:- mustard Harvesting should be carried out when the pods begins to turn light  yellow color and seed becomes brown &hard. The mustard crop matures in about 115 to 135 days. Harvesting should be done in early morning hours to avoid any shattering of seed. Use sickle to cut the crop close to the ground.
Post Harvesting Tasks in Unnat Mustard Farming:- Harvested mustard plants should be tied into bundles, keep them in sun for 5 to 7 days to dry. Threshing can be carried out by beating the mustard plants with stick. Winnowing is done to separate the grain form husk.

Yield of Mustard:-  An Average yield of 450 kg per hectare can be expected. Under best Variety and more management actives, yield can be about 999 kg per hectare.

Please contact us for any information that you may need. | | +91-9540019555

Hybrid Jowar Supplier In india

Unnat Hybrid Jowar SSG Farming 

(Sorghum Sudan Grass)
Introduction of Unnat Jowar or Sorghum :-  Jowar SSG is  the important food and fodder cereal crops cultivated all over India, Sorghum  known as “Jowar” in India. The advantage of this cereal crop is that it can be cultivated in both Khariff and Rabi season. Jowar is the most important cereal crop in the world after rice, wheat, maize & barley. The nutritional value of sorghum is same as of that of corn and that is why it is gaining importance as livestock feed. Sorghum SSG (or) Jowar is also used for ethanol production, producing grain alcohol, starch production, production of adhesives and paper other than being used as food and feed for livestock. Jowar SSG (or) Sorghum cultivation is gaining popularity due to its nature of extreme drought tolerance. Sorghum is very nutritious just like corn and can be used as green fodder, dry fodder, hay or silage.

Health Benefits of Unnat Jowar :- Below given are some of the health benefits of Jowar.

• Sorghum/Jowar has packed with calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, protein and fibre.
• It provides good antioxidants.
• It contains B-vitamins like thiamin and riboflavin.
• Sorghum/Jowar is also known to be heart healthy and ‘Jowar Roti’ is widely used in India for its health benefits.
• Jowar helps in weight loss.

Unnat  Jowar production states in India:- Major Jowar producing states in India are given below.

• Maharashtra
• Karnataka
• Madhya Pradesh
• Andhra Pradesh
• Telangana
• Tamil Nadu
• Gujarat
• UP
• Rajasthan
• Haryana
• Bihar
• Punjab 

Local Names of Unnat SSG OR Jowar in India:-  Great Millet/Sorghum(English), Juar (Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi), Jwari (Marathi), Jola (Kannada), Jonnalu (Telugu),Cholam (Tamil, Malayalam), Janha (Oriya). 

Please contact us for any information that you may need. | | +91-9540019555

Bajara Seeds Suppliers in India

Unnat Hybrid Bajra Cultivation.

Introduction of Unnat Hybrid  Bajra:- Bajra is popularly known as pearl millet and belongs to the family of Graminea. This grain is basically originated from Africa or India. Bajra  is a coarse grain crop and considered to be the poor people staple nourishment and suitable to cultivate in dry lands. Bajra production states are Rajasthan, Haryana, UP, MP, Punjab, Maharashtra and Gujarat. Bajra can also be used as valuable animal fodderIt is one of the major crops of South Eastern Asia China, India, Sudan, Pakistan, Arabia,Nigeria and Russia.

Major Unnat Hybrid Bajra Production States in India:-  Top Hybrid Bajra producing state is Rajasthan Maharashtra, Haryana, Gujarat and UP MP Punjab Bihar. Top high yielding state is Tamil Nadu,Andhra pradesh.

Health Benefits of Bajra :- Some of the health benefits of Bajra are given below.

·  Bajra is very good source of energy.
·  Bajra promotes heart health.
·  Bajra helps in reducing weight.
·  Bajra helps in digestion disorders.
·  Bajra may help in preventing cancer.
·  Bajra controls blood sugar levels and hence good for diabetic.

Local Names of Bajra in India:- Pearl Millet (English), Bajra (Hindi,Urdu,Panjabi),Sajje (Kannada), Kambu (Tamil), Kambam (Malayalam), Sajjalu (Telugu), Bajri (Rajasthani, Gujarati and Marathi).

Please contact us for any information that you may need. | | +91-9540019555

Friday 14 July 2017

Radish Seeds - Radish Beej Suppliers in Delhi

मूली की उन्नत खेती 

मूली फसलों में एक महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थान रखती है । मूली गृह-वाटिका की भी मुख्य फसल है । इसको भोजन के साथ कच्ची सेवन करते हैं । मूली को सलाद में, परांठे बनाकर तथा अचार में प्रयोग करते हैं । मूली के सेवन से पाचन-क्रिया सक्रिय रहती है । इसकी पत्तियों  की भूजी के रूप मे खाना एक अलग ही स्वाद है । पेट में गैस रोगियों के लिए मूली का सेवन अच्छा रहता है तथा इसमें पानी की अधिक मात्रा होती है । मूली की जड़ व मुलायम पत्तियों के सेवन से शरीर को पोषक-तत्वों की प्राप्ति होती है । जैसे-कैल्शियम,प्रोटीन,कार्बोहाइड्रेट तथा विटामिन ए व सी प्रचुर मात्रा में पर्याप्त होते हैं ।

उन्नत-देशी- यह किस्म शीघ्र तैयार होती है । इसकी जड़ें 30-45 सेमी. लम्बी होती हैं जो 40-50 दिन लेती हैं । इस किस्म को मध्य अगस्त से मध्य अक्टूबर तक बोते हैं । यह अगेती किस्म है ।

उन्नत-चेतकी- ये अधिक उपज देने वाली किस्म है । जो ग्रीष्म व शरद ऋतु दोनों के लिए उपयुक्त है । ग्रीष्म ऋतु में गर्मी सहने की क्षमता रखती है । ये 40-45 दिन में तैयार हो जाती है । इसकी जड़ें मध्य लम्बी, नीचे से नुकीली तथा स्वाद वाली होती हैं ।

मूली की फसल के लिए जलवायु ठण्डी होनी चाहिए । इसमें पाला व ठन्ड दोनों को सहने की क्षमता होती है | अच्छे उत्पादन के लिये 8-15 डी0 से0 तापमान उपयुक्त रहता है तथा अधिक वृद्धि करती है । अधिक तापमान से जड़ें कड़ी व चरपराहट तीव्र हो जाती हैं ।

हमसे संपर्क करें :- +91-9540019555 |

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Carrot Seed Supplier in Delhi

गाजर की उन्नत खेती

गाजर की खेती पुरे भारत मे की जाती है गाजर का रस कैरोटीन का महत्वपूर्ण स्त्रोत माना जाता है। गाजर मे विटामिन जैसे थियामीन एवं राबोफलेविन प्रचुर मात्रा मे पाया जाता है। संतरे नांरगी रंग की गाजर मे कैरोटीन की मात्रा अधिक पाई जाती है।
गाजर की खेती के लिये अच्छी जल निकासी वाली रेतीली दोमट मिटटी होनी चाहिए। हल्की मिटटी मे जड की वृध्दि अच्छी होती है। भारी मिटटी गाजर की खेती के लिये उपयुक्त नही होती। गाजर शीत ऋतु की फसल है। गाजर बुवाई का समय जुलाई से 25 अक्तूबर होता है गाजर बुवाई 40 सें.मी. के अन्तराल पर बनी मेंड़ों पर 2 से 3 सें.मी. गहराई पर करें और पतली मिट्टी की परत से ढक दें।   जिसके बीज अकुरण के लिये 8 से 20 डिग्री तापमान की आवश्यकता पडती है। जबकि जडो की वृध्दि एवं विकास के लिये 15 से 20 डिग्री तापमान उपयुक्त होती है। अधिक तापमान होने पर जडो गाजर के आकार छोटे, मोटे तथा रस की मात्रा कम हो जाती है।
गाजर की यह किस्म लम्बी, लाल रंग की व जड़ें नुकीली तथा 85 से 95 दिनों में तैयार की जाती है लगभग ढाई से तीन महीनों में गाजर जड़ें निकास के लिए तैयार हो जाती हैं और औसतन 20 से 30 टन प्रति हैक्टर उपज हो जाती है

हमसे संपर्क करें :- +91-9540019555 |

Friday 7 July 2017

Sarson Beej Supplier in Delhi

सरसो की उन्नत खेती

भारत की प्रमुख तीन तिलहनी फसलों में सरसो की गिनती होती है। (मूंगफली, सोयाबीन एवं सरसो) सरसों में कम लागत लगाकर अधिक आय प्राप्त की जा सकती है। भारत में प्रमुख रूप से राजस्थान, हरियाणा, पंजाब, उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्यप्रदेश  में सरसों की खेती की जाती है। 

यह किस्म सिंचित व असिचित दोनो ही स्थितीयों में खेती के लिए उपयुक्त है। इसमें 40 से 45 दिन में फूल आने लगते है। इस किस्म के पौधों की ऊचाई 155 से 175 से. मी. होती है। इस किस्म में फली आने      पर भार के कारण आड़ी पडने की सम्भावना कम होती है यह किस्म 130 से 140 दिन में पककर तैयार हो जाती है। इस किस्म में फलिया पकने पर दाने झड़ते नही है एवं इसका दाना कालापन लिए भूरे रंग का होता है। इसके दाने मोटे होते है। इस किस्म में सफेद रोली का प्रकोप अन्य किस्मों की अपेक्षा कम होता है यह किस्म पाले के प्रति मध्यम प्रतिरोधी होती है इस किस्म की औसत पैदावार 20 से 25 क्विं. हैक्टयर होती है । इस किस्म में तेल की मात्रा 38 से 42 प्रतिषत होती है।
हमसे संपर्क करें :- +91-9540019555

Friday 23 June 2017

Onion Seeds Supplier in Delhi

Onion plant grows to about 2 feet. There are many  varieties of onions seeds grown around the world. Onion crop takes about three to four months from seedlings to harvest. Top greens or scallions are also eaten all around the world.

• Type of Seeds : Research
• Seeds : 3kg per acre
• Duration : 100 days after transplantation
• Maturity: 100 to 110 days
• Fruit: Round
• Medium to large in size and mildly pungent
• Fruit Size: each fruit 80 to 100 gms
• Standing Ability: 145 to 185 days after maturity
• Fruit color on maturity: Red
• Average yield is 25 t/ha.

• We are manufacturer, exporter, trader and supplier of Research onion seed, Hybrid onion seed, Red Onion Seeds, Onion Light Red, Yellow Onion Seeds, White Onion Seeds, Onion Puna Fursungi

Please contact us for any information that you may need. | | +91-9540019555

Zyme Supplier in Delhi, India

Unnat Zyme Granules are an innovation of Biotechnology Research.Unnat Zyme is a unique formula produced by mixing bio products and balanced combination of Mineral and Super concentrated seaweed extract, Potassium Humate, Fulvic acid and amino acid. Unnat Zyme Granules are made from100% natural Mineral Calcium Sulphate and Bio Stimulants that are sourced directly from the mines by our professionals team of having years of experience and in-depth knowledge to give you the better output..Unnat zyme is a perfect balance of soil conditioner, unnat zyme completely disperse in water and mix with soil thus providing dual benefit of soil conditioner and Bio stimulants.

Benefits Of Unnat Zyme:

Healps in Early germination.
For Vigorous seedling growth.
Healps primary and secondary root development.
Increased soil microbial activity.
For Higher nutrient uptake.
For Better branching tillering and increased foliage.
For Reduction in the fruit and flower drop.
For Better development of fruits & grains.
Increase in the size and weight of the fruits & grains.
For Higher yield and better quality of the produce.

For Commercial Crops: Cotton, Cumin, Opium, Jute, Sugarcane.
For Field Crops: Rice, Wheat, Sorghum (Jowar), Bajra.
For Plantations: Arecanut, Coconut, Coffee, Rubber, Tea, Mulberry , Cocoa.
For Pulses: Red gram, Green Gram, Black gram, Horse gram, Bengal gram, Chick pea, Cow pea, Soybean.
For Oil Seeds: Ground Nut, Castor, Linseed, Mustard, Safflower, Seasamum, Sunflower. Spices, Condiments,
Narcotics: Black pepper, Cardamom, Coriander, Cumin, Garlic, Ginger, Tobacco, Turmeric.
For Horticultural Crops: Apple, Banana, Citrus, Guava, Sapota, Mango, Peach, Apricot, Ber, Grapes, Cashew, Melons, Papaya, Plum, Pomegranate.
For Vegetables: Chilies, Beans, Brinjal, Cucurbits, Okra, Onion, Pea, Potato, Sweet potato, Tomato, Cole crops (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knol-Khol), Drum stick, spinach.
Others: Lawns, Gardens, Golf course, Green house, floriculture, fodder crops etc.

Unnat Zyme Application Method :

Unnat Zyme Granules applied at 7 - 15 Kg for one acre 18 to 38 Kg per hectare for each application in the field crops. This should be uniformly used all over the field. For orchards Unnat Zyme Granules should be applied @ 2 Kg for plants less than 2 years and 3 to 4 Kg for plants more than 2.5 years age.

For more information Please visit or click here: – Write to us at or call us at +91 95400 19555.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Pea Seeds Supplier - Unnat Research & Hybrid Seeds

Unnat  Pea Seeds : – Green Peas, also  known in india as “Garden Peas” Peas is one of the vegetable crops in India and basically this crop is cultivated for its green pods. Unnat Green Peas are used in vegetable cooking’s, in soups & frozen canned food as well. Green Pea straw is a nutritious fodder and be used for any animal (livestock) feed.

Health Benefits of Unnat Green Peas: –

Some of the health benefits of Green Peas are given below.

•    Green Peas help in losing weight.
•    Green Peas help in controlling blood sugar levels.
•    Green Peas help in prevention of wrinkles, alzheimer’s, arthritis, bronchitis and osteoporosis.
•    Green Peas source of anti-aging, strong immune system, and high energy.
•    Green Peas may help in prevention of stomach cancer.
•    Green Peas may help in improving digestion Health .

For more information Please visit or click here: – Write to us at or call us at +91 95400 19555.

Friday 16 June 2017

Mustard Seeds supplier in Alwar | Black Mustard Seeds

Mustard Farming:- Black mustard plants are tall (up to 2.5 meters) and sparsely branched, and they produce many short pods(sliques). As the plant matures, the highly pungent,The mustard crop matures in about 130 to 140 days. about 38 to 42 % of oil content of brown mustard seed. An Average yield of 10 quintals per acre can be expected. seeds are sheded round dark brown or black.

Introduction of Mustard:- Mustard belongs to the family of “Cruciferae” and popularly used in Indian cooking. India is number one in production of mustard. Mustard gives edible oil which is used as cooking In India. Mustard seed is used as condiment in the preparation of vegetable and curries in India. Split mustard seed  and oil is used for pickling. The mustard leaves of the young plants are used as vegetable. It can be used as oil cake to feed cattle.

Health Benefits of Mustard:-  Some of the health benefits of Mustard are given below.
·  Helps in controlling symptoms of asthma.
·  Prevents from gastrointestinal cancer.
·  Helps in weight loss.
·  Helps in relieving arthritic & muscle pain.
·  Help in slow ageing (Anti Ageing).
·  Helps in lowering cholesterol & stimulates hair growth.

For more information Please visit or click here: – Write to us at or call us at +91 95400 19555.