Friday 23 June 2017

Zyme Supplier in Delhi, India

Unnat Zyme Granules are an innovation of Biotechnology Research.Unnat Zyme is a unique formula produced by mixing bio products and balanced combination of Mineral and Super concentrated seaweed extract, Potassium Humate, Fulvic acid and amino acid. Unnat Zyme Granules are made from100% natural Mineral Calcium Sulphate and Bio Stimulants that are sourced directly from the mines by our professionals team of having years of experience and in-depth knowledge to give you the better output..Unnat zyme is a perfect balance of soil conditioner, unnat zyme completely disperse in water and mix with soil thus providing dual benefit of soil conditioner and Bio stimulants.

Benefits Of Unnat Zyme:

Healps in Early germination.
For Vigorous seedling growth.
Healps primary and secondary root development.
Increased soil microbial activity.
For Higher nutrient uptake.
For Better branching tillering and increased foliage.
For Reduction in the fruit and flower drop.
For Better development of fruits & grains.
Increase in the size and weight of the fruits & grains.
For Higher yield and better quality of the produce.

For Commercial Crops: Cotton, Cumin, Opium, Jute, Sugarcane.
For Field Crops: Rice, Wheat, Sorghum (Jowar), Bajra.
For Plantations: Arecanut, Coconut, Coffee, Rubber, Tea, Mulberry , Cocoa.
For Pulses: Red gram, Green Gram, Black gram, Horse gram, Bengal gram, Chick pea, Cow pea, Soybean.
For Oil Seeds: Ground Nut, Castor, Linseed, Mustard, Safflower, Seasamum, Sunflower. Spices, Condiments,
Narcotics: Black pepper, Cardamom, Coriander, Cumin, Garlic, Ginger, Tobacco, Turmeric.
For Horticultural Crops: Apple, Banana, Citrus, Guava, Sapota, Mango, Peach, Apricot, Ber, Grapes, Cashew, Melons, Papaya, Plum, Pomegranate.
For Vegetables: Chilies, Beans, Brinjal, Cucurbits, Okra, Onion, Pea, Potato, Sweet potato, Tomato, Cole crops (Cabbage, Cauliflower, Knol-Khol), Drum stick, spinach.
Others: Lawns, Gardens, Golf course, Green house, floriculture, fodder crops etc.

Unnat Zyme Application Method :

Unnat Zyme Granules applied at 7 - 15 Kg for one acre 18 to 38 Kg per hectare for each application in the field crops. This should be uniformly used all over the field. For orchards Unnat Zyme Granules should be applied @ 2 Kg for plants less than 2 years and 3 to 4 Kg for plants more than 2.5 years age.

For more information Please visit or click here: – Write to us at or call us at +91 95400 19555.

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